
Showing all 3 results

  • Adelaide Festival

    Adelaide Festival was selected and named by Patrina after the fireworks celebrating the Adelaide Festival of Arts in her home city. It is a mid-season regular leaf variety, yielding rich purple tomatoes with green vertical stripes that ripen to olive-gold. Photo by Patrina

  • Dwarf Crimson Sockeye

    Dwarf Crimson Sockeye is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a dusky rose purple hue. The flavor is well balanced and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Tatiana Kouchnareva.

  • Tennessee Suited

    Tennessee Suited is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a dusky rose purple hue with green vertical stripes. The flavor is well balanced, rich and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Ted Maiden.