Northern Hemisphere
Showing 11–20 of 136 results
Chocolate Lightning
Chocolate Lightning is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium to medium large fruit that ripen to a brick red chocolate color with vertical green and gold stripes. The flavor is well balanced and rich. Photo by Susan Oliverson.
Clare Valley Pink
Clare Valley Pink is a vigorous regular leaf dwarf that produces good yields of round pink small to medium sized tomatoes with a nice balanced flavor. It is a mid-season variety on average.
Coorong Pink
Coorong Pink is an early-season regular leaf dwarf with heavy yields of small to medium 5 – 8oz smooth mostly round pink fruit. Plants reach around a metre+ / 4 ft by end of season and become very heavy with fruit requiring strong support. Photo by Patrina.
Dwarf Almadine
Dwarf Almadine has regular leaf plants which are very productive, and the medium sized (average 4 oz) purple paste type tomatoes are produced in abundance with a pleasant, balanced flavor. It is a mid to late season variety.
Dwarf Amy’s Ohio
Dwarf Amy’s Ohio has regular leaf plants which produce lots of medium sized (3 oz average) yellow skinned, green fleshed round tomatoes with a well balanced, pleasant flavor. It is considered a midseason variety. Photo by Alexander Chumis
Dwarf Andy’s Forty
Dwarf Andy’s Forty is a midseason regular leaf dwarf, 4-8 oz brown fruit with vertical green stripes, high yielding variety with nice balanced flavor.
Dwarf Arctic Rose
Dwarf Arctic Rose is a regular leaf dwarf variety that produces oblate medium sized fruit that ripen to a crimson pink hue. The flavor is well balanced and sweet, and the variety is quite prolific. Photo by Tatiana Kouchnareva.
Dwarf Audrey’s Love
Dwarf Audrey’s Love has regular leaf dwarf plants which produce a very heavy yield of plum shaped 2-4 ounce chocolate colored tomatoes with green stripes, having an excellent, well balanced flavor. It is a midseason ripening variety. Photo by Alexander Chumis
Dwarf Awesome
Dwarf Awesome is a mid to late-season regular leaf dwarf that produces high yields of 6-8 oz round to oblate yellow tomatoes with red blushing in and out, possessing a well-balanced, delicious taste.
Dwarf Barossa Moon
Dwarf Barossa Moon is a prolific midseason potato leaf dwarf producing 2-4 oz ivory colored fruit that range from round to oval with a mildly sweet, slightly citrus flavor. Photo by Patrina.